Contact NFC
Lura Sapp
[email protected]
Guenter Maresch
[email protected]
SEA Challenge
Students in Action:
- Micro:Bit
- MakeCode: Let's Code
- Compass
- Boat assembly
- DC motors
- Servo motors
- Forward motion
- Backward motion
- Rudder Control
- Automatic Water Sampler
Onboard Button vs. Remote Control
- Radio communication
- Propulsion
- Steering
- Water Sampler
- Compass
- Navigating obstacles with remote control
- Sailing a course with and without obstacles
- Artificial intelligence
- Race around a Buoy
- Two-Buoy Race
- Figure-8 Race
- Bumper Boat Derby
- Autonomous Course with Taking a Water Sample
STEM SEALs SEA Challenge at the Mobile Pond
STEM SEALs SEA Challenge at Lake Osceola