Contact NFC
NFC Fine Arts
Lisa Thompson
(850) 973-1642
[email protected]
Art Courses at NFC:
- ART 1300C. BASIC DRAWING I: Three Credits, Three Hours. A course involving work in basic freehand drawing.
- ART 1301C. BASIC DRAWING II: Three Credits, Three Hours. A continuation of ART 1300C. Prerequisite: ART 1300C, or consent of instructor.
- ART 1759C. CERAMICS I: Three Credits, Three Hours. A course involving work in clay. It will provide experience in creating hand-built and wheel-thrown pottery in addition to slip and glaze techniques in pottery decoration.
- ART 1751C. CERAMICS II: Three Credits, Three Hours. A continuation of ART 1759C with greater emphasis upon practical application. Prerequisite: ART 1759C.
- ART 1930R. SPECIAL TOPICS IN ART: Three Credits, Three Hours. Special topics in art is for students who wish to further explore the field of art. Focus is placed on topical problems, current issues, or emerging trends. This course can be repeated. This course is not automatically transferable. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
- ART 2201C. BASIC DESIGN I: Three Credits, Three Hours. A study of form and fundamental design principles in two and three-dimensional media. Studio work and discussion will aid students in understanding cultural bases of design in contemporary society, fine arts professional practice, and teaching.
- ART 2202C. BASIC DESIGN II: Three Credits, Three Hours. A continuation of ART 2201C, with emphasis upon application. Prerequisite: ART 2201C.
- ART 2500C. PAINTING COMPOSITION I: Three Credits, Three Hours. A studio course in two dimensional art, which will include basic painting techniques and fundamentals. This basic course is a catalyst course for professional levels in art media achievement.
- ART 2501C. PAINTING COMPOSITION II: Three Credits, Three Hours. The student may select a painting medium for a study in depth. A continuation of ART 2500C. Prerequisite: ART 2500C.
- ART 1930R SPECIAL TOPICS - METAL SCULPTURE: An introductory course in Metal sculpture and three dimensional design. Utilizing welders and other fabrication equipment in an exploration of metal fabrication and how it relates to sculpture.