Sentinel Safety Plan

Jan. 5, 2021 - Sentinel Safety Plan and related protocols continue for Spring Term 2021.

Aug. 3, 2020 - NFC Releases Sentinel Safety Plan (PDF) with updates to student guidelines, college operations and updated information for the NFC family and general public. Please note that face masks are required in all public spaces on campus.

Additional Information from Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Communicate and Stay Connected

Current Students: Remember to regularly check your NFC GoMail and D2L for important updates that are specific to your course(s) or program of study. Instructors will send emails or D2L announcements to stay in touch. Also continue to check the page and social media for important information and updates.

Registration Help

Online Registration: This step-by-step guide (PDF) includes instructions to easily navigate NFC online registration. Guide includes instructions on the following:

Transcripts: The College will work with students on a case by case basis when high school or college transcripts are unavailable or delayed. Please call Lori Pleasant at 850-973-9469 or email at [email protected].

D2L - 24/7 Assistance

D2L Resources and 24/7 Assistance

Find helpful D2L information or chat with a D2L representative 24/7 at A link is also available on your D2L homepage.

Admissions / Registrar's Office

Students and visitors are encouraged to schedule an appointment before visiting the NFC campus. A dropbox is located outside the NFC Administrative Services Building (Bldg. 2) for students to leave documents.

Learning Resources

HERE TO HELP: The NFC Learning Resources team – NFC Library and Academic Success Center - are here to help you succeed. You can find resources and ways to connect with us remotely at

  • Library Virtual Hours: Mon-Thurs: 8 AM-7 PM; Fri: 8 AM-4:30 PM
  • Tutor Lab Virtual Hours: Mon-Thurs: 8 AM-5:30 PM; Fri: 8 AM-4:30 PM
  • Call 850-973-1624 or email [email protected].
  • Online Chat: You can also CHAT with us online for more information.
  • On Campus Library/ASC Services: Mon-Thurs, 8 AM-4:30 PM (By Appointment Only)

NEW - Mobile WiFi Hotspots available for 3-week check out from NFC Library. Limited supply, call or email the Library for information - 850.973.1624 or [email protected].

The Marshall Hamilton Library Building (Bldg. 4) is only open for limited services at this time. Please contact us to make an appointment. Library and Academic Success Center Services are still offered remotely. Virtual services include online Library resources, online support and professional tutoring, Smarthinking and NFC online writing consultation services, and more.

NFC Advisors - Advising Office

HERE TO HELP: NFC advisors want to hear from you and are ready to help you every step of the way. Connect with an advisor by phone, email, virtual meeting or chat. Anyone planning to visit campus is encouraged to call in advance. Many times advising can be handled over the phone.

  • Call 850-973-1737 or email [email protected] to schedule an appointment.
  • Hours: The Advising Office is available Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. (appointments strongly encouraged)


Disability Resource Center

HERE TO HELP: Contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC) from 8:00 am-4:30 pm, Monday-Friday at 850-973-9403 or email [email protected] with any questions.

  • Staff are available to discuss available resources with students and parents.
  • Students may contact the DRC to schedule any necessary on campus testing with accommodations (by appointment only).

Live Oak Location

HERE TO HELP: The NFC Live Oak Location office is currently open to visitors. Make an appointment to meet with our friendly Live Oak staff or just stop by. We are here to help!

  • Spring 2021 Hours: Monday-Thursday, 8 AM-7 PM; Friday: 8 AM-4:30 PM
  • Appointments are required for PERT and High School Dual Enrollment Assessment testing

Email Tina Tucker at [email protected] OR call 386-364-5093 / 386-364-5440 for more information.

Currently Closed on Campus

The following buildings and/or offices are currently closed on the NFC campus until further notice.

  • NFC Student Center
  • Colin P. Kelly Fitness Center

Office 365

Login to Office 365 through the MyNFC portal and go to all apps. There are help links for most of the apps.

  • Teams - Chat and video conferencing app.
  • Office Online - Great if your local install is not working properly or don't have Office installed. You can simply load one of the Office apps in your browser.
  • Whiteboard - Ideate and collaborate on a freeform canvas designed for pen, touch and keyboard.
  • Class Notebook - Organize your lesson plans in a digital notebook, and create a workspace for students.
  • Forms - Create surveys, quizzes, and polls and easily see results in real time.
  • OneDrive - Store, access, and share your files in one place.
  • OneNote - Capture and organize your notes across all your devices.
  • Stream - Share videos of classes, meetings, presentations, and training sessions.