Contact NFC
Lura Sapp
[email protected]
Guenter Maresch
[email protected]
Land Challenge
Students in Action
- two-wheel drive
- ultrasonic obstacle avoidance / distance sensor
- motorized cargo bed
- can be remotely controlled or can drive autonomously
- assemble rover by attaching DC motors, wheels, electronic motor driver board, servo motors for ultrasonic sensor and cargo bed
- propulsion calibration – speed and steer control
- sonar calibration – ultrasonic sensor measurements and analysis
- how do DC motors work?
- how do servo motors work? what’s the difference?
- assemble a remote controller using the same microprocessor as for the rover
- load and unload cargo
- drive from point A to B and back using the remote controller
- let the rover drive autonomously a square pattern
- transport a simulated blood sample from the blood bank to the hospital
- stop automatically in front of the hospital, and
- let the rover automatically unload the cargo
Life Science
- test a simulated blood sample for blood type
- what kind of blood types are there?
- how does the test work?
- why it is important that a patient receives the correct blood type?
Computer Science
- what are the components of the microcontroller you use for rover and remote control?
- write computer code driving the rover
- write computer code reading the sonar and let the rover “think” what to do
- write computer code for the remote control using the micro:bit’s accelerometer
- what are variables?
- change your code for different autonomously driven courses
Geometry and Algebra
- what is a “course”?
- which parameters determine a leg of a course?
- how can you teach the rover to make a 180 degree turn?
- read the graphs you drew for the propulsion calibration tasks and estimate the values of the variables needed for each leg of the desired course
- does your rover do precisely what you think it should do?
- why or why not?
- free-style slalom race: avoid obstacles using the remote controller
- slalom race: time and accuracy count – stand remote!
- five-leg autonomous course – from start to finish around obstacles in a square pattern
- deliver cargo from the blood bank to the hospital using the remote controller
- three-leg autonomous course – have the rover autonomously deliver the blood to the hospital
- relay race – team race over and under the Golden Gate Bridge